Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lori in Park City

Dear Me,

Listen to your grandmother as you paint with her that rainy Saturday when you are nine. As she guides your hand to transform a spilled dollop of Prussian blue into a swirling sky, she will tell you:

1. Paint thick over thin.
2. Always use fresh paint.
3. Take the time to prime your canvas.

Later, you will realize that she really means:

1. Let your authentic self wash over before worrying about the little details.
2. Buy quality in art and food and ensure that there is a variety of color on your palette and your plate.
3. Grounded by your faith and family, figure out who you are before leaping into work, relationships, and politics.

Armed with this, you’ll be free to make decisions instead of being paralyzed by them.

Do good things!

P.S. When your daughter arrives, you will name her Grace, too and her great-grandmother’s twinkle will be an unmistakable reminder of her presence always.

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